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Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cinephiliac Approach

For this film, I decided that I needed to watch it twice, to see if something stuck out to me. The first time watching it, I will be honest not much captured my attention. During the second time around I notice a lamp on a desk, during a scene where George is talking to his maid, about the bread and pen leaking onto his bed.  Automatically the lamp shape reminded me of a Tarot card I once saw. I have a love for astrology and tarot, but the color of the lamp (brass shade), gave me a dark, eerie feeling. So I automatically thought about Tarot cards.  The lamp was shaped as such: it had two brass stems that are stuck together, then as you go up the lamp it branches out into two lamps heads, which curve over. Since I did not remember the name of the card I had to look it up. The card is called the Two of Cups. Now I am not saying the film, lends ideas from astrology or tarot, I am just saying this is what spoke to me.

In the card there is a glyph that hovers over a man and women. The glyph represents the merging of masculine and feminine nature into one. Now this definition reminds me of George’s sexuality and the bond he had with Jim his lover. There are three positions this card can be presented, that are past, present and future. Since I did not see this lamp in any of George’s past visions of Jim and I saw it in George’s present I will give you what the tarot suggest. The present tarot says: " In the present position, the Two of Cups confirm that a union is being born or reconciliation is occurring" ( Keen Tarot Reader). Now this goes foreshadows the moment when we meet the student, Kenny who befriended him. Also pointing to the acceptance George finally has of Jim's death at the end.